Where to buy CBD Oil in Maine?


Disclaimer: The following information provided has been entirely  completed on our own independent research. All though we take pride in providing honest, accurate, and up to date info from highly credible sources from Maine. Our team are not legal experts or lawyers therefore you should not take any of this information provided as legal advice.



  • When it comes to CBD oil Maine is very much a progressive state
  • People in the state of Maine can find a wide selection of different CBD products for sale in the state both online and in retail locations
  • The Quality of CBD products in maine vary widely
  • Cultivating industrial hemp in Maine requires a license
  • When purchasing CBD products in Maine be sure to check the labels
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Like other states, CBD oil in Maine has gained huge popularity as of recently. People all across Maine are curious about the proclaimed benefits of hemp-derived CBD products.

You might have heard, the U.S. government approved a newer version of the Farm Bill in December of 2018. This updated version gives states the opportunity to allow the commercial growing of industrial hemp. Hemp contains adequate amounts of cannabidiol and is often used in the making of CBD products.

Some states have chosen not to adopt this updated version of the Farm Bill however. In this article we will discuss what the industrial hemp status is for Maine but first its crucial to remember what actually goes into making premium quality hemp CBD products. Its important to remember that not all CBD oils that you will find in Maine are made with the same quality ingredients. When looking for well made high quality CBD oils you will want to make sure they come with an independent 3rd party lab test. These Lab tests help identify the purity of the CBD product as well as the presence of other unwanted materials like mold, microbes, and heavy metals.

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At Hemperial, all of our CBD products are cultivated from industrial hemp. We strictly follow all guidelines to the cultivation of hemp per the 2018 Farm Bill. As previously mentioned all of Hemperial CBD’s products contain no more than 0.3% THC or less.

However, don’t confuse this! We don’t just use any kind of hemp. We are committed to ensuring that all of our CBD products are processed from plants grown in the United States, and that these cultivations follow the same strict industry quality standards.

 Sadly, not all CBD products in Maine follow  these same standards. This is exactly why people who are looking for the best, Premium-quality CBD oil search no further than Hemperial CBD. Not just because we carry high quality CBD oil but because of the upfront honesty and craftsmanship across the wide variety of products carried.

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